Tuesday, June 29, 2010

[concert] Lydia Kavina, London, 29th of June

Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Location: Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre

The world premiere of Christian Mason's new piece "Looking for the Land that is Nowhere" for THEREMIN and SCORDATURA STRING OCTET will be performed by Lydia Kavina and members of the Philharmonia Orchestra as part of the Music of Today series. For more details see here.

Admission is free.

Monday, June 28, 2010

[workshop] Lydia Kavina - Notting Hill - 28th of June

Theremin Workshop with Lydia Kavina  
Community Centre
25 Sheffield Terrace
W8 7NQ
Monday 28 June 2010
12:00 to 16:00

12:00 Beginners Section
13:30 Ensemble Section
15:00 Advanced Section

The workshop includes sessions for beginners and advanced players, as well as an ensemble workshop for all levels.

Attendance is free for observers and £30 for participants (£15 for children/students/pensioners) payable on the door.

To register please email Lydia at info [at] lydiakavina.com, noting whether you are interested in individual tuition and/or ensemble for beginners or advanced, or the ensemble section only or are attending as an observer. You should also note if you are bringing your own theremin and/or combi/PA.