Friday, May 22, 2009

[book][cd] Gordon Charlton - The Beat Frequency Method

The Beat Frequency Method is now available in hard copy, and it includes a CD of Beat Frequency's first album, The Chordless Chord, for only £8.00 plus postage.

It's a sensibly priced CD with an oversized booklet, or it's an overpriced booklet with a free CD. Either way, it's essential reading and listening for the sonic explorer with a theremin!

Preview The Beat Frequency Method here.

Preview some tracks from The Chordless Chord here:

Full details and order form at

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[podcast] Mick Bordet - Short Theremin Story

Great Hites Podcast
Location: Great Hites weekly short story podcast #53

Mick Bordet (theremin player from The Lunacy Board) has a short story included in this week's edition of Great Hites that deals with the theremin and astral projection. It also features some background theremin effects throughout the story.


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

[gig] Charlie Draper: Cambridge: 6th of May

Concert and Talk

Join Charlie Draper on a musical voyage through time and space to explore the diverse, exciting and at times shocking ninety-year history of electronic music. Encompassing events from the Russian Revolution to the present day, the mysterious tale of the world's first purely electronic instrument played entirely in midair is sure to enrapture and enthrall.

Time: 6:00pm
Cost: £5.00

More info and booking here.